This is my compilation necessary to enjoy both the 2d as well as the 3d flight deck of the Project Opensky Airbus A340-200. First, in order for this fix to work, you will be required to edit both the aircraft.cfg and the fs9.cfg. Secondly, you will install the files provided in this download into your Flight Simulator 9 folder. For convenience I usually keep a shortcut to my FS' folder somewhere on my desktop. You can also have a shortcut to your fs9.cfg or use FSConfigurator.

To install:

1) edit the aircraft.cfg as follows, under each [fltsim._] section, you will make panel=VC read panel= , if you choose to fly the "wingview" version, do the same to the section where panel=WV, change it to panel= . there will not be any wingviews, but that will be addressed in an update. the purpose of this file is to get you flying in your beloved Posky a340-200.

then edit your fs9.cfg as follows, scroll down till you find the entry See self= , and make sure it says 0 (off), so that it reads See self=0.

2) next, open the folder labeled A340_Pan. pay careful attention to the readme. as usual, once unzipped you put the gauges in the gauges folder, effects in the effects folder, panel in the aircraft folder, etc. once again, pay attention to the readme.

3) now, install the fsnhsi gauge files to your main gauges folder.

4) then, open the Gauges_a340_VC folder and place all folders and files as is into your main gauges folder. these are the mysterious missing Posky VC gauges. they can be found in a Lufthansa a340 over at avsim, it seems at this point to be the only version that is complete with gauges, that I was able to find as of this writing.

5)finally, in the aircraft's folder, go into the panel.cfg of panel.VC and copy the text starting with [Vcockpit01] thru [Vcockpit16] and paste them into the panel.cfg of the Panel folder between the [Fixed Window37] and [Color] sections, then save and exit.

6)where possible, all credits are contained within the readmes and other files or images contained in this compilation. all files were obtained from freeware download libraries such as avsim, , simviation, flightsim etc.

7)I make no attempt to claim any credit for the creation of these files. I have merely gathered them together with my understanding of how to install them in a working fashion.

8)I take no responsibility for any damage real or imagined arising from the use of these files or any directions contained therein. These files did work as designed on a PentiumIV-3ghz, 1gig RAM, XPhome, Fs9.1, ATI9600xt-128

9)for use with Posky Airbus A340-200, has not been tested on any other model.